One of the greatest thinkers of the human mind Sigmund Freud in his work “Dream interpretation” (Chapter VI: “The Work of the Dream”, 2001: 23) concludes:
“It’s remarkable how the dream deals with the category of contradiction and inconsistency. It simply ignores it. For a dream, there is no “no”. Especially it likes to unite opposites or show them as one. Dream allows freedom for itself and any element shows through its contradiction in the field of desire, so that at first it is not known if any element is controversial, positively or negatively contained in the thoughts of the dream. “
“Metasomnia” is the representation of one’s own, affective past, present and future life. It includes phantasmagoric forms and silhouettes, which revive in the eyes of the observer. I present my fantasies with an analytical approach which implies that the meaning moves through different forms. Each picture represents an internal need to prove unsaid. Paintings are an attempt to capture an invisible target, i.e. matter, which is visible, traveling, and appearing in different forms. “Meta” is a form on a canvas that extends, develops and merges into a mosaic image, and at the same time forms its whole. Paintings are unrepeatable manifestations of reality, whether they are external or internal. My inner world confronts with the outside world, therefore, the images play with expectations through the constant change of form and meaning. Metasomnia speaks in the name of liberation of the mind, senses and feelings.